As we look back on the last year, we are so excited to share our progress with you. With your support 800 women and girls lifted themselves out of poverty.
In 2019 we transitioned from employing artisans to empowering artisans. For 11 years, making jewelry has been a quintessential part of Same Sky's philanthropy, but to scale our impact, we started exclusively funding job training programs.
This year...
...our artisans were retrained to make baskets and bags...

200 artisans in Rwanda received training in 2019,
accomplishing our mission! They now run their own businesses and are doing better than ever! They sell their baskets in West Elm, Wayfair, and Crate and Barrel to name a few.
...even more artisans in Alabama received business training...

We partnered with NEST to fund a business training program for 106 women in Birmingham, Alabama. These women now have the skills to run their own businesses and sell their handmade products.
...we awarded more scholarships to students in Rwanda...

We awarded scholarships to 14 college students from Africa to attend top universities in the United States including Abeline, Columbia, Davidson, Lehigh, Notre Dame, NYU, UPenn, Rice, Trinity, and Wesleyan.
...New York City homeless women received computer training...

In partnership with the UNFCU, the FAL Foundation launched a computer training course at the Women In Need homeless shelter in East Harlem. 100 women gained skills to help them get sustainable jobs with the potential for upward mobility, allowing them and their children to move out of the shelter. More than 40% of them have gotten jobs.
...New York City low income women received
business training...

We provided support for 100 talented entrepreneurs to participate in a business training course at Operation Hope in Harlem that helped them take their businesses to the next level. At the end of the course, they competed for funding at a business pitch competition....we helped women at the Grace Institute get jobs...

We provided materials for 200 women at the Grace Institute in New York to participate in a job training program. 85% of these women got job placements as administrative professionals immediately and went from making $6,000 a year to making $36,000 a year.
...we also helped women rise out of poverty in Los Angeles...

We worked with the Jenesse Domestic Violence Center and JVS SoCal in order to remove barriers for low income women. We provided micro grants, resources, and access to training for 30 women living in Los Angeles. One of them is now making more than $100,000 a year at her new job!
...so, thank you for supporting us and believing in our work
In 2019, we impacted the lives of 800 women and girls...
In 2020, we plan to help 1,000 more! Please join us in our efforts and help us reach this goal by donating OR volunteering!
$100 will pay for a month of transportation for a woman to attend job training in New York City
$650 will cover one year of school fees for a girl in Rwanda
$1,000 will buy one year's worth of materials for our artisans to make baskets and bags
$5,000 will pay for 25 women to get their High School Equivalency
$10,000 will pay for 20 women in the US to receive micro grants that will remove barriers to education and training
$25,000 will give 50 women entrepreneurial training to help them run their own businesses
If you would like to volunteer, we are looking for mentors and tutors for our students and trainees. We would love to connect you with our Same Sky Scholars in Rwanda and in the United States or with the women in our job training programs. To learn more, please contact olivia@falfoundation.org
It's because of you that we were able to make a difference in the lives of so many, and we are so excited to continue this work with you. Together we can empower women and girls and help those who are willing to fight for a new beginning to lift themselves out of poverty in the United States and in Africa. With your help we can move another family out of a homeless shelter or get a woman the skills she needs to get a job.